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Latest EMAC Notice

For the third quarter of 2018, the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) sent out a notice entitled, Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (EMAC) Supplement Determination. This notice outlines how much is owed for the EMAC supplement, and the number of employees who currently receive subsidized healthcare. To review detailed liabilities for each employee, please visit your Massachusetts DUA online account: here.

To appeal the determination by the state, the second page of the notice will need to be filled out in order to request a hearing. The deadline for appeal is 10 days from the notice date. Additional information on appealing the determination can be found on the Mintz Levin employment blog -- Appealing EMAC Supplement.

The DUA has also sent out an email with the subject, DUA EMAC Supplement - Important Information; this is for businesses that are unable to pay the EMAC supplement due to financial hardship. There is now the option to submit an EMAC Supplement Hardship Waiver Application. Please be advised that the deadline for this application is on Friday, October 12, 2018.

If your organization is considering applying for the EMAC Supplement Hardship Waiver, additional details and required documentation can be found through this link:

All completed hardship waiver applications and supporting documentation should be sent via email to

Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to MA DUA customer service unit.

This unit can be reached via phone at (617) 626-5975 or by email at

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