Recent UI Notice
Regarding the Notification from the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
New TPA Roles for Employer Medical Assistance Contributions Supplement
Understanding the Recent UI Notice:

Employer Medical Assistance Contributions Supplement
For employers that have received this notification from the DUA:
The notice is to inform employers that have more than 5 employees in MA receiving state-subsidized medical coverage that there will be an additional surcharge collected. If it is determined that you are subject to this surcharge, the payment line item will appear as "EMAC Supplement"--this is generated on a quarterly basis.
Employers are able to see a list of employees for which a liability has incurred through your UI Online account (QUEST). If you have forgotten your password, please contact the DUA directly to reset.
Any additional questions can be directed to EMACQuestions@MassMail.State.MA.US.